Leisure Tours

Various categories of bespoke leisure tours as you may want and prefer are available:

Corporate Booking Tool CBT:- This is a product for Corporate to own their own in-house travel agencies and attend to their own travel needs without going through any intermediary agents, service providers or any airline. With the Corporate Booking Tool a corporate can easily and seamlessly book and pay for flight tickets, hotel accommodation, airport taxi pick up and drop off, train tickets, sports, shows and events and many other travel elements from the comfort of your office or home or anywhere there is internet service and from any internet connected devices. The overall benefit of this tool include among others, it is cheaper to install, it reduces your overheads and expenses on travel costs because you would have removed and saved the margin that goes to an agent or intermediary service provider and it will enable your company to control the budget expense on travels as well as control the amount your staff can spend for any trip be it personal or official. It is as simple as that. Call or invite us to demonstrate how CBT will work for your organisation.

Church Group Tours:- This is a spiritual retreat package meant for different groups within a church to go on spiritual adventures and tours to evangelise, win souls for Christ, provide for the less privilege through charity, humanitarian and volunteering works, seek the face of God concerning their ministries, brethrens and families, learn about themselves, collectively and individually dig deep into their callings, and for bonding and friendships.

Baby Shower Experiential:- Though Baby Shower originates from America and it is an American tradition. This tradition and experience is spreading rapidly across the world. The fact is that the experience is being assimilated and imbibed by peoples around the world where a couple will want to organize a social event to host families and friends to officially declare the gender of an upcoming child whose pregnancy the mother is carrying.

Entertainment Packages:- We package and organise series of social and entertaining events and shows during various yuletide and celebration time.

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If you require additional information on Tours, Ticketing & Reservation, Hotel Reservation, Visa Counseling, Immigration & Protocol Service and any other; kindly contact us:

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